2021 - 2022
Marys Renné HERTIMAN (project leader, EXPERICE, Paris 8), Sophie BONADE (doctor and researcher associated with the SLAM laboratory, Paris Saclay)
“Women Authors of Graphic Novels: History, Memory, Claims and Representations of Women in the Ninth Art” is a project aiming primarily to give voice to the women creating within the Ninth Art, that is the graphic novel, and also to those who participate in the emergent academic research in the subject. The program is made up of several segments, the goal of which is to render the career paths of these graphic novelists more visible and to promote them, either individually or collectively. The first segment is an oral history archive devoted to the women graphic novelists of present-day France, whether they be French themselves or simply working there. The second segment will appear within the framework of an international conference of women graphic novelists in regions related to the cultures of Europe and the Americas.
Illustrations & logo of Les Bréchoises © Johanna Schipper 2021 (all rights reserved).
Marys Renné HERTIMAN (doctoral researcher, EXPERICE, Paris 8), Sophie BONADE (doctor and associate researcher at the SLAM laboratory, Paris Saclay), Laura CARABALLO (postdoctoral researcher, CELIS, Clermont-Auvergne University – associate researcher at the HAR laboratory, Paris X ), Françoise LAOT (PU, EXPERICE, Paris 8), Johanna SCHIPPER (comic book author, EESI professor at Angoulême and doctoral researcher at Bordeaux Montaigne University), Maëlys TIREHOTE (doctoral researcher, University of Lausanne).