Our ecosystems

Under the aegis of the University Paris Lumières, right in the heart of Paris, the research university of ArTeC is located on several campuses of the Ile de France

Campus  Condorcet - ©Sérendcité
Campus Condorcet – ©Sérendcité

Campus of Paris-Nanterre University

Campus of Paris 8 University

The EUR ArTeC has partners from major art schools (EnsAD, Ens-Louis Lumière, CNSAD) and many prestigious cultural institutions: National Archives, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou (CNAC- GP), Centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains (CDA), Gaîté Lyrique, Cité internationale des arts. This exceptional ecosystem in which our students can circulate gives our EUR its richness and originality.

The EUR ArTeC offers numerous events throughout the year. Each fall, Les Rencontres ArTeC take place in a partner institution: CDA Enghien-les-Bains (2019), Gaîté Lyrique (2021), Cité internationale des arts (2022).

2021 Rencontres ArTeC at the Gaîté Lyrique

2022 Rencontres ArTeC at Paris’s Cité Internationale des Arts

Several times a year, our doctoral students and postdocs in research-creation propose “bArTeC,” an informal reflection seminar that brings together academics and professionals from the larger world around a drink and a common theme, such as, in 2022 at the Gaîté Lyrique: memes, surveys in the era of open sources or the political stakes of dating applications. Last “bArTeC”.

These events are open to all, as well as the seminars and conferences we organize on our campuses or at our partners’, announced in the online agenda: https://eur-artec.fr/agenda/a-venir/.

EUR ArTeC has a close relationship with the “PosteSource – CNIS” of the University of Paris 8, located in front of its offices on the Condorcet campus, and has special ties with the town of Saint-Denis and its cultural venues.
