
The École universitaire de recherche (Graduate School/EUR) ArTeC’s is governed by a members’ council, an executive committee and an academic council.

Members’ Council

The members’ council defines policy concerning research and instruction after consulting with the academic council. Its members are:

  • Fabienne Brugère, President of the Community of Universities and Establishments, Paris-Lumières (ComUE UPL) and members’ council of ArTeC
  • Annick Allaigre, President of the University of Paris-8
  • Philippe Gervais-Lambony, President of the l’University of Paris-Nanterre
  • Philippe Cavelier, Regional delegate of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
  • Vincent Lowy, Director of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS)-Louis Lumière
  • Emmanuel Mahé, Research Director, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD)
  • Thierry Pardé, Strategy and Research Delegate of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Executive Comittee

  • Tiphaine Karsenti, Directrice de l’EUR ArTeC, Professor, Université Paris Nanterre
  • Anne Alombert, Directrice adjointe de l’EUR ArTeC, Associate Professor, Paris 8
  • Fabrice Moulin, Directeur adjoint de l’EUR ArTeC, Associate Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Justin Jaricot, General Coordinator for the EUR ArTeC
  • Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris, Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Aurélie Ledoux, Associate Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Julien Schuh, Associate Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Jean-Baptiste Le Gal, Associate Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Philippe Jockey, Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Cécile Barth-Rabot, Associate Professor, Paris Nanterre
  • Yves Citton, Professor, Paris 8
  • Arnaud Regnauld, Professor, Paris 8
  • Catherine De Smet, Professor, Paris 8
  • Dork Zabunyan, Professor, Paris 8
  • Sophie Jehel, Associate Professor, Paris 8
  • Anna Pappa, Associate Professor, Paris 8
  • Emmanuel Mahe, researcher, EnsadLab
  • Elise Domenach, Associate Professor, ENS Louis Lumière