

Universities and research centers

The Community of Universities and Establishments, Paris-Lumières (ComUE UPL); The University of Paris-8- Vincennes-Saint-Denis (UP8); The University of Paris-Nanterre (UPN); The Condorcet Campus Paris-Aubervilliers; The National Center for Scientific Research, Michel Ange (CNRS).

Cultural Institutes

The National Archives (Archives nationales); The National Library of France (Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF); The Georges Pompidou National Arts and Culture Center (CNAC- GP); The Metz Pompidou Center; The National Museums Network – Grand Palais (RMN-Grand Palais); The Enghien-les-Bains Arts Center (CDA); The National Center of the Book, Art, and the Image (CNEAI) ; The Gaîté Lyrique Theater.

National art schools

ENS Louis-Lumière ; The National Superior School of the Decorative Arts (ENSAD); National Drama Conservatory (CNSAD); National Center for Contemporary Dance, Angers, (CNDC-Angers).


Research Laboratories

  • History of the Arts and Representations, HAR (EA 4414)
  • Arts of Images & Contemporary Art, AIAC (EA 4010)
  • Aesthetics, Musicology, Dance and Musical Creation MUSIDANSE (EA 1572)
  • Stages of the World, Creation, Understanding of Criticism (EA 1573)
  • Paragraph Laboratory (EA 349)
  • Laboratory for the Study and Research of Contemporary Logics of Philosophy, LLCP (EA 4008)
  • Laboratory of Romance Languages LER (EA4385)
  • Human and Artificial Cognition, CHArt (EA 4004)
  • Formal Structures of Language, SFL (UMR 7023)
  • Paris Center for Sociological and Political Research CRESPPA (UMR 7217)
  • Study Laboratory for Gender and Sexuality, LEGS (UMR 8238)
  • Critical Transfers and the Dynamics of Knowledge TransCrit (EA 1569)
  • Literature and Histories: Aesthetics, LHE (EA 7322)
  • Paris Laboratory of Social Psychology, LAPPS (EA 4386)
  • Aesthetics: Sciences and Technologies of Cinema and the Audiovisual (EA 2302)
  • Center or the Study of Media, Technologies and Internationalization, CEMTI (EA 3388)
  • Schemas and Devices for Information and Communication in the Digital Era- Paris Ile de France, DICEN-IdF (EA 7339)
  • Institute of Philosophical Research, IRePh (EA 373)
  • Laboratory of Electromagnetic Mechanical Energy, LEME (EA 4416)
  • Center for English-Language Research CREA (EA 370)
  • Romance Language Studies (EA369)
  • Research Center for Comparative Literature and Poetics, LIPO (EA3931)
  • Center for the Sciences of French-Language Literature, CSLF (EA 1586)
  • Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and the Semantics of Data (LIASD)
  • Institute of the History of the Present (IHTP, UMR 8244)
  • Laboratory of Comparative Ethnology and Sociology (LESC, UMR 7186


Doctoral Schools

  • Doctoral School of Literature, Languages, and Performing Arts LLS (ED 138)
  • Doctoral School of Knowledge, Language and Modelization (CLM) (ED 139)
  • Doctoral School of Cognition, Language and Interaction CLI (ED 224)
  • Doctoral School of Aesthetic, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts EDESTA (ED 159)
  • Doctoral School of Pratices and Theories of Meaning PTS (ED 31)
  • Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ED 401)
  • Doctoral School of Spaces, Time, and Cultures (ETC) (ED 395)