Lucas Fritz, Neuronorms

Lucas Fritz, Neuronorms


2020 - 2022


Lucas Fritz

This dissertation project has a twofold goal.  On one hand, it aims to study the scientific and socio-technical controversies around neurodiversity (political and intellectual movements led by individuals with autism, ADHD, and/or schizophrenia). Its other aim is to to study the production of norms of behavior and communication online and offline as produced by the network of actors –  human and non-human, physical and legal entities –  as well as the discourses of both scholars and laymen who participate in them.

The construction of a neurological identity from a body judged as “atypical” (and in particular from stereotyped gestures and restricted interests) raises the question of the norms of use of human sensoriality and cognition, as well as that of the technical, scientific and legal devices available to move and mobilize these norms, and to give a space of expression and understanding to these behaviors.

This research-action project thus aims to develop other ethnographic observation and interview protocols as well as other teaching devices in the context of neurodiversity. Its objective is to adapt Human and Social Sciences (HSS) practices to a neurodivergent public, to integrate HSS in public controversies around the management of different behaviors and in scientific controversies around the neurocognitive representation of human behavior.


Lucas FRITZ is a journalist and writes mainly for Acta and Mediapart. He holds a master’s degree in philosophy (Paris-8, 2018) and an inter-university diploma in research-creation (ArTec 2019). He is interested in the socio-technical and legal construction of norms of behavior and communication, and the ways in which they organize inter-individual relationships, popular imaginaries and scientific debates.

He has been teaching since 2020 at the University of Paris-Nanterre in Information and Communication Sciences.


“Neuronorms” is directed by Marta Severo in information and communication sciences (Nanterre, DicenIdf) and co-directed by Joëlle Vailly in sociology (EHESS, Iris)