Master’s degree

The ArTeC Master’s degree is a transdisciplinary post-graduate program, at the crossroads of human and social sciences, arts, communication, digital technology and computer science. The hybridisation of creation and research is at the core of this learning process. The innovative approach of this program is based on three main principles:


The program is supported by 30 Master’s degrees in the two partner universities. To complete the core curriculum of the ArTeC master’s degree, students have access to a wide variety of courses in innovative pedagogical formats, bringing together theory and practice.


During the two years of the Master’s program, students conduct research leading to a personal project of experimentation, which can take various forms (performances, films, creative devices, exhibitions, creative writing, digital creations, etc.) and articulate theoretical exploration and practical application. The master’s degree is founded on a project-based pedagogy that relies on group dynamics and joint reflection.


The Master’s program encourages the student’s international mobility through a compulsory semester abroad (semester 3) and several off-campus teaching modules. These opportunities will allow students to develop a comparative approach to different practices.