université Paris Nanterre Bat. Weber, salle de séminaire 1 (rdc)
Pour la dernière étape de la chaire Internationale ArTeC, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay invite plusieurs artistes et chercheurs, de différentes disciplines pour échanger autour de leur d’écoute des sons et des silences des archives. En croisant approches artistiques et ethnographiques, en s’attardant sur les supports d’enregistrements, les bruits de fond et les infrastructures de conservation et de préservation, ce workshop entend proposer des positions et des pistes de réflexion pour penser les techniques d’écoute, de reprise ou de partage des archives audio enregistrées dans les pays du Sud.
For the final stage of the ArTeC International Chair, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay has invited artists and researchers from a wide range of disciplines to discuss their experience of listening to the sounds and silences of archives. Crossing artistic and ethnographic approaches, focusing on recording media, background noise and conservation and preservation infrastructures, this workshop would set out positionalities, and ways of thinking and listening to, reusing and sharing recorded audio archives in the countries of the Global South.
L’ensemble des présentations et discussions se dérouleront en anglais.
10h : Words of introduction
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay & Jonathan Larcher
10h15 : Auralizing Archives and the Oralitorium Project
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (Artist, writer, researcher, University of Bergen)
11h00 Sounding Silence: Listening in the Field to Archival Field Recordings from Bengal
Moushumi Bhowmik (Singer, writer, researcher, Calcutta)
[presentation via Zoom]
11h45 : Discussion
12h15 : Lunch
13h30 Total Silence : Navigating the Noise of Modern Life
Sascha Brosamer (interdisciplinary artist, Berlin)
14h15 : A Story about Shellac (around the colonial heritage of shellac 78 rpm discs)
Dinah Bird (interdisciplinary artist, Paris)
15h : Discussion
15h30 : Coffee break
16h Round Table: “Sound archives are silent objects”
Moderator : Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
Participants : Dinah Bird (interdisciplinary artist, Paris), Sascha Brosamer (interdisciplinary artist, Berlin), Jonathan Larcher (associate professor, HAR/Université Paris Nanterre)
Pierre Prouteau (postdoctoral researcher, CASE/EHESS and LESC/Université Paris Nanterre), Joséphine Simmonot (ingénieur de recherche au CNRS, PRISM/Aix-Marseille Université)
Victor Stoichiță (chargé de recherche au CNRS, LESC-CREM/Université Paris Nanterre)
Drawing on case studies from different archives – open, digitized, shared with communities, or closed for technical, political or infrastructural reasons – roundtable participants will refute or add to the axiom put forward for discussion by Budhaditya Chattopadhyay: “sound archives are silent objects”.