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Cycle Ecologie des arts et des médias – Joost Grootens

Cycle Ecologie des arts et des médias – Joost Grootens




Ensad (École des arts décoratifs), 31 rue d’Ulm, 75005, Paris, au rez-de-chaussée, dans l’amphithéâtre Rodin (celui de gauche)

Infos pratiques

18h à 21h - Conférence en anglais

Joost Grootens, “Blind Maps and Blue Dots”

The PhD research Blind Maps and Blue Dots investigates three mapmaking practices – the Blue Dot, the location function in Google Maps ; the Strava Global Heatmap, a world map showing the activities of users of a fitness app ; and the ‘Situation in Syria’ maps, a regularly updated map of the Syrian conflict made by an Amsterdam teenager – to unravel the disappearing distinction between producing and using of visual information. Joost Grootens is a graphic designer, educator and researcher. His studio SJG designs books, maps, typefaces, spatial installations and digital information environments. Grootens was recently appointed Professor of Artistic Research at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. He leads the Master programme Information Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven, and is a university lecturer at Leiden University. Grootens studied architectural design at Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam and obtained his doctorate at Leiden University. A public edition of his dissertation Blind Maps and Blue Dots : The Blurring of the Producer-User Divide in the Production of Visual Information was published by Lars Müller Publishers in 2021. Grootens’ research addresses the transformation of the fields and practices of graphic design and mapmaking resulting from technological changes in tools to record, create, edit, produce and disseminate visual information.



PROGRAMME préliminaire

mercredi 6 octobre (10h-11h30)
Nicolas Nova – bes1aire – journées rencontres ArTeC- auditorium Gaité Lyrique

mardi 30 Novembre 2021  de 18h à 21h 
Mica Gherghescu- Bibliothèque Kandinsky

mardi 18 Janvier 2022
Nuria Guëll – Amphi maison de la recherche P8

jeudi 20 janvier 2022
Luke Fowler – Amphi maison de la recherche P8

mardi 15 février 2022
Joost Grootens – Amphi maison de la recherche P8

mardi 22 mars 2022
Florence Lazar – Amphi maison de la recherche P8

mardi 12 Avril 2022 :
Marilou Poncin – Amphi maison de la recherche P8